CRNA Jobs in North Carolina POST A JOB NOW has several NC CRNA job openings from groups and hospitals needing to fill open positions now.

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CRNA Practice Law & Requirements in North Carolina

With a variety of hospitals and surgical centers across urban and rural areas, CRNAs have ample opportunities to advance their careers in a supportive environment. The state’s emphasis on healthcare access, particularly in underserved regions, allows CRNAs to make a meaningful impact while enjoying competitive salaries and comprehensive benefits.

North Carolina's diverse landscapes, vibrant cities, and rich cultural heritage provide a fulfilling lifestyle, making it an attractive destination for CRNAs seeking to balance their professional and personal lives.

Education and Certification

  • Educational Requirement: CRNAs must complete a doctoral degree from an accredited nurse anesthesia program.
  • Certification: After graduation, candidates must pass the National Certification Examination (NCE) administered by the National Board of Certification and Recertification for Nurse Anesthetists (NBCRNA).


Scope of Practice

  • Autonomy: CRNAs in North Carolina can practice independently, providing anesthesia care without physician supervision.
  • Prescriptive Authority: CRNAs may be authorized to prescribe medications as part of their practice.


CRNA-only model, Collaborative Care Model, and Anesthesia Care (ACT) Model.

State Regulations

CRNAs should stay updated on any changes in state laws and regulations affecting their practice. For current information, check out the NC Association of Nurse Anesthetists and North Carolina Board of Nursing as well as other relevant professional organizations.

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